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Fear of Success

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Fear of Success

All songs on this site are Copyright various years Van Boersma.  

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The Song


Pour No Water

If you ever find yourself falling in love. Just let yourself fall.

Ostracising the Ostrich

It's just a bird.

Fear of Success

When you fear having to succeed more than once.


I just hope it isn't adulthood.

Black Ball

Sometimes, it's better to go after the girl. Even if it means getting kicked out of your fraternity.


There's somethin' about love; a pretty girl, and feeling funny about it. Wish it came around more often.

Wasted Tears

In the late hours of night, don't cry. Just feel.

Seems I'll

There's no method to the madness.

Living in a Cartoon

You don't have to date Dagwood, Red, but, I've gotta take Snoopy out for a walk.

The Layden Robinson Song

You'd have to be Layden...

Desert Sky

If you were hangin' out with Gene Autry and Marcus Weeden over a campfire with an acoustic guitar in the Mohave Desert in 1896, what song would you be singing?

2,974,647 hits since July 28, 2006.

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I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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