Ded Serius


Ded Serius Music - Sweet Home Alabama Guitar / Piano Tab Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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Intro:   [D]       [C]             [G]                        turn it up!                    [D]       [C]             [G]

            [D]       [C]             [G]                                                            [D]       [C]             [G]


v1:       [D]Big [C]wheels keep on [G]turning                                 [D]Carry me [C]home to see my [G]kin.

            [D]Singing [C]songs about the [G]southland                    [D]I miss'ole' [C]'bamy once a-[G]gain

                        (and I think it's a sin)


v2:       [D]Well, I heard Mr. [C]Young sing a-[G]bout her [D]Well, I heard ole [C]Neil put her [G]down.

            [D]Well, I hope Neil [C]Young will re-[G]member, [D]A southern [C]man don't need him a-[G]round anyhow


c:         [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Where the [C]skies are so [G]blue,          

            [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Lord, I'm [C]coming home to [G]you.

            [F]    [C]   

            [D]       [C]             [G]                                                            [D]       [C]             [G]


v3:       [D]In Birming-[C]ham they love the [G]Gov'nor                 [F]Boo  [C]hoo  [D]hoo !

            [D]Now we all [C]did what we could [G]do.

            [D]Now Water-[C]gate does not [G]bother me.                [D]Does your [C]conscience bother [G]you? 

                        (tell the truth)


c:         [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Where the [C]skies are so [G]blue,          

            [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Lord, I'm [C]coming home to [G]you.

            Here I come.  Alabama


Solo: Guitar   [D]       [C]             [G]                                               [D]       [C]             [G] x2

                         [D]       [C]             [G]                                              [D]       [C]             [G] x2  Alabama home 

riff                    [D]       [C]             [G]                                               [D]       [C]             [G]



v4:       [D]Now Muscle [C]Shoals has got the [G]Swampers     [D]And they've been [C]known to pick a song or [G]two

            [D]Lord they [C]get me off [G]so much                             [D]They pick me [C]up when I'm feeling [G]blue          

                                                                                                Now how about you?


c:         [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Where the [C]skies are so [G]blue,          

            [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama,                                       [D]Lord, I'm [C]coming home to [G]you.

            [F]    [C]   

            [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama, oh, sweet home          [D]Where the [C]skies are so [G]blue,

                                                                                                                                    and the gov'nor's true

            [D]Sweet [C]home Ala-[G]bama, lordy!                            [D]Lord, I'm [C]coming home to [G]you.  who-ooh


Solo: Guitar   [D]       [C]             [G]                                               [D]       [C]             [G] x2


Solo: Piano   [D]       [C]             [G]                                               [D]       [C]             [G] x3

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I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

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