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Ded Serius Music - Hurt Guitar / Piano Tab Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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Hurt -- Johnny Cash (Nine Inch Nails Cover)



Intro:               [Am]     [C]   [D]   [AM]     [C]   [D]   [Am]


Verse 1:         I [C]hurt my- [D]self to-  [Am]day                to [C]see if [D]I still [Am]feel

                        I [C]focus [D]on the [Am]pain                     the [C]only [D]thing that's [Am]real

                        The [C]needle [D]tears a [Am]hole            the [C]old fa- [D]miliar [Am]sting

                        Try to [C]kill it [D]all a- [Am]way     but I     re- [C]member [D]every- [G]thing


Chorus           [Am]What have I be- [F]come                     [C]my sweetest [G]friend?

                        [Am]Everyone I [F]know      goes a-           [C]way in the [G]end

                        And, [Am]you could have it all[F]                [G]my empire of dirt

                        [Am]I will let you [F]down                             [G]I will make you [Am]hurt

                        [Am]     [C]   [D]   [AM]     [C]   [D]   [Am]


Verse 2:         I [C]wear this [D]crown of [Am]thorns        Up- [C]on my [D]liar's [Am]chair

                        [C]Full of [D]broken [Am]thoughts              [C]I can-[D]not re-[Am]pair

                        Be-[C]neath the [D]stains of [Am]time      The [C]feelings [D]disap- [Am]pear

                        [C]You are [D]someone [Am]else              [C]I am [D]still right [G]here


Chorus           [Am]What have I be- [F]come                     [C]my sweetest [G]friend?

                        [Am]Everyone I [F]know      goes a-           [C]way in the [G]end

                        And, [Am]you could have it all[F]                [G]my empire of dirt

                        [Am]I will let you [F]down                             [G]I will make you hurt

                        If [Am]I could start a- [F]gain                       a [G]million miles away

                        [Am]I would keep my- [F]self                      [G]I would find {a capella} a way

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