Ded Serius


Ded Serius Music - Daniel Guitar / Piano Tab Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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Intro (open chords):

[C]        [F]        [G]        [C]


Verse 1 (open chords):

[C]Daniel is trav'ling tonight on a p[Dm]lane,

[G]I can see the red tail lights [E7]heading for Spain ,

[Am]oh, and [F]I can see Dan[G]iel waving good[Am]bye.

God it looks [F]like Daniel,[G]must be the [G7]clouds in my [C]eyes.[G]


Verse 2 (open chords):

[C]They say Spain is pretty, though I've never [Dm]been,

[G]Well Daniel say it's the best place [E7]he's ever seen,

[Am]Oh and [F]he should know he's [G]been there en-[Am]ough,

Lord I [F]miss Daniel,[G]oh I miss [G7]him so [C]much.


Chorus (bar chords):

Oh, [F]Daniel my brother

you are [C]older than me,do you still [F]feel the pain

of the sca[C]rs that won't heal?Your eyes have [Am]died

but you see more than [F]I,[Ab]Daniel you're a [C]star

[A7]in the face of the [Dm7]sky.[G7]


Solo (like verse)


Chorus (bar chords):


Verse 3 (open chords):

[C]Daniel is trav'ling tonight on a [Dm]plane,

[G]I can see the red tail lights [E7]heading for Spain ,

[Am]oh, and [F]I can see Dan[G]iel waving good[Am]bye.

God it looks [F]like Daniel,[G]must be the [G7]clouds in my [C]eyes.

Oh, God it looks [F]like Daniel,[G]must be the [G7]clouds in my [C]eyes.


Outtro (open chords):

[C]        [F]        [G]        [C]

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