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Here are the MP3s

You can find mp3 samples of all works written for the Ded Serius project since it's beginning in June 1984.  Production of these songs began appearing as mp3s in 1997 when the first CD, Wasted Tears, was produced and new versions of existing songs and new songs have begun to appear more frequently with the addition of new recording gear and instruments.  

This list is organized in order of the average playtime for each song, but feel free to change the view to something more interesting to you.  Click on Sort by keys to sort by that column (Hint:  Sort by Release Date gives most recent production of that song).  All works are copyright various years by Van and Ded Serius Music, unless otherwise noted.

All Ded Serius Originals and Covers

Sort by:  Avg Play Time, % Played, Total Play Time, Total Hits, Release Date
Song Title Artist(s) CD   Format   Others* Stream Avg Dur
1. Living in a Cartoon Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band LivingInACartoon20031212.mp3 150
2. Fear of Success Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band FearOfSuccess20040127.mp3 150
3. Living in a Cartoon Ded Serius n/a Electronic LivinginaCartoon20061211.mp3 144
4. Living in a Cartoon Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic livecart.mp3 140
5. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Full Band KFNXPourNo20030303b.mp3 139
6. Seems I'll Ded Serius n/a Acoustic SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 130
7. Desert Sky Ded Serius Jonesin' for You Full Band DesertSky20031222.mp3 124
8. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata Beethoven n/a Acoustic Beethoven-MoonlightSonata.mp3 122
9. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata Beethoven n/a Acoustic Beethoven_Moonlight_Sonata_2007a.mp3 118
10. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Acoustic PourNoWaterLM1.mp3 109
11. Twenty-One Ded Serius n/a Electronic ded_serius-21.mp3 108
12. Pour No Water Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic pourno.mp3 100
13. Fear of Success Van Fear of Success Classic Rock Fear_Of_Success_20080915.mp3 96
14. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Electronic PourNoWater5.mp3 89
15. Seems I'll Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band SeemsIll20031029.mp3 88
16. Fear of Success Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic fearofsc.mp3 86
17. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Electronic PourNoWater_Full_FD4.mp3 85
18. L'Hermitage Ded Serius n/a Acoustic LHermitage1.mp3 82
19. World War III Ded Serius n/a Acoustic WWIII20050523.mp3 79
20. Wasted Tears Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic wastedte.mp3 78
21. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Electronic Somethin_Synth2.mp3 78
22. Focus Ded Serius Focus Electronic focus.mp3 77
23. Desert Sky Ded Serius n/a Acoustic DesertSky20050320.mp3 75
24. Jonesin' for You Ded Serius Jonesin' for You Electronic JonesinForYouX.20040724.mp3 75
25. World War III Ded Serius Jonesin' for You Electronic WorldWarIII20040814.mp3 73
26. Worth While Andrew Le May n/a Acoustic WorthWhile5.mp3 72
27. Focus Ded Serius n/a Acoustic Focus20040912.mp3 68
28. Just a Dream Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic jstdream.mp3 67
29. Dreamer Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic dreamer.mp3 63
30. Seems I'll Ded Serius Ostracising the Ostrich Electronic seemsill_ost.mp3 62
31. World War III Ded Serius n/a Electronic WorldWarIII-PreProd1.mp3 62
32. I Believe Ded Serius Focus Electronic i_believe.mp3 61
33. Friend in the Shadows Ded Serius Ostracising the Ostrich Electronic Friend_In_The_Shadows.mp3 61
34. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Electronic PourNoWater20020411_128.mp3 61
35. To Be Near the Sea Ded Serius Focus Electronic to_be_near_the_sea.mp3 60
36. People Just Want To Dance Ded Serius Jonesin' for You Electronic PeopleJustWantToDance20040915.mp3 60
37. Bye, Bye Baby Andrew Le May n/a Acoustic ByeByeBaby3.mp3 59
38. Dreamer Ded Serius n/a Acoustic Dreamer20050523.mp3 58
39. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Electronic PourNoWater_Full.mp3 58
40. Bye, Bye Baby Andrew Le May n/a Acoustic ByeByeBaby4.mp3 57
41. Newfound Promises Ded Serius Ostracising the Ostrich Electronic Newfound_Promises.mp3 55
42. Desert Sky Ded Serius n/a Acoustic DesertSky20050310.mp3 53
43. And, Then Ded Serius Focus Electronic and_then.mp3 53
44. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius n/a Electronic OstracisingTheOstrich3.mp3 53
45. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Acoustic PourNoWaterLM2.mp3 52
46. Never Dream Alone Ded Serius Focus Electronic never_dream_alone.mp3 52
47. Violet Blues Ded Serius Jonesin' for You Electronic VioletBlues20040729.mp3 51
48. Wasted Tears Ded Serius n/a Acoustic WastedTears20050523.mp3 51
49. Riffs Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic riffs.mp3 50
50. Somethin' Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band SomethinSwing20031029.mp3 50
51. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band FullWell_Ostrich_20030111.mp3 50
52. L'Hermitage Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band LHermitage20040210.mp3 49
53. Black Ball Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic blckball.mp3 46
54. Van's Blues Ded Serius Focus Electronic vans_blues.mp3 46
55. Somethin' Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band SomethinReggae20040102.mp3 44
56. White Rose Ded Serius Focus Electronic white_rose.mp3 43
57. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Electronic Somethin4.mp3 42
58. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius n/a Full Band Ostrich20021202NoVocalsScratchLeadGuitar.mp3 41
59. Somethin' Ded Serius Ostracising the Ostrich Electronic somethin_ost.mp3 41
60. A Kind of Praise Ded Serius Focus Electronic AKindOfPraise.mp3 40
61. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Electronic Somethin5.mp3 40
62. Walkin' Away Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic walkaway.mp3 40
63. Pour No Water Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band PourNoWater20031116.mp3 39
64. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Acoustic SomethinLM1.mp3 38
65. Violet Blues Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic violtblu.mp3 38
66. My Place Ded Serius Focus Electronic my_place.mp3 37
67. Black Ball Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band BlackBall20040121.mp3 35
68. White Rose Ded Serius n/a Electronic WhiteRose20070118.mp3 35
69. Wasted Tears Ded Serius Fear of Success Full Band WastedTears20031028.mp3 35
70. Never Dream Alone Ded Serius n/a Electronic NeverDreamAlone20060406.mp3 33
71. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius Ostracising the Ostrich Electronic ostrich_ost.mp3 32
72. Pour No Water Ded Serius n/a Full Band FullWell_PourNoWater_Pre-Production_20021202.mp3 32
73. L'Hermitage Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic lhermita.mp3 29
74. L'Hermitage Ded Serius n/a Electronic LHermitage20061115.mp3 29
75. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Electronic Somethin6.mp3 28
76. Wasted Tears Ded Serius n/a Acoustic WastedTears.mp3 27
77. Circles Ded Serius Focus Electronic Circles.mp3 27
78. L'Hermitage Ded Serius n/a Acoustic LHermitage20040214.mp3 25
79. Come With Me Andrew Le May n/a Acoustic ComeWithMe2.mp3 25
80. New Years Day Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic wwbotb.mp3 25
81. Somethin' Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic somethin.mp3 24
82. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Acoustic SomethinLM3.mp3 24
83. The Layden Robinson Song Ded Serius Fear of Success Acoustic TheLaydenRobinsonSong20040215.mp3 23
84. Fixation Ded Serius Focus Electronic Fixation.mp3 22
85. Twenty-One Ded Serius Focus Electronic twenty-one.mp3 22
86. Guitar Ded Serius n/a Acoustic Guitar.20010122.mp3 22
87. Wasted Tears Ded Serius n/a Acoustic WastedTears20050326.mp3 21
88. Just Past Never Ded Serius Focus Electronic JustPastNever.mp3 21
89. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius n/a Acoustic OstracisingTheOstrichLM2.mp3 21
90. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius Wasted Tears Electronic ostrich.mp3 20
91. Somethin' Ded Serius n/a Electronic Somethin_Synth_Full_Test2.mp3 20
92. Ostracising the Ostrich Ded Serius n/a Full Band FullWell_Ostrich_Pre-Master_20021202.mp3 20
93. Real Ded Serius Focus Electronic real.mp3 18
94. Black Ball Ded Serius n/a Electronic BlackBall_Full20021128.mp3 16
95. Guitar Reverse Ded Serius n/a Acoustic GuitarReverse.20010122.mp3 8
96. L'Hermitage Ded Serius n/a Full Band L'Hermitage.20030615.mp3 8
Indicates there are other versions of this song.
16,959,964 hits since July 28, 2006.

Mail me, with your comments.
I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

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