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KDE Screen Shots Contributed by Van

These links follow to some rather large screenshots:

The reason I've set these to a-links, is because of the shear size. Read the descriptions, and decide if the content is at all useful in considering them for addition to the KDE Screen Shots entries. All images were kaptured on a 17" monitor at 16bpp resolution, so, you can expect them to be quite large.

Comments on these will be welcomed by all via either the newslist, or direct mailings to Van.

  1. Screen Shot showing parts of the desktop with leaf pattern and AOL Instant Messanger, KEdit editing a Java source file, KVT telnetted to a remote server displaying incoming e-mail, KAB with an entry for Tux with Linus' e-mail, Kworldwatch, Panel and Task list hidden.
  2. One, extreeeeeeeeeemely busy Screen Shot with the Task List in view showing 19 Running window process, including 3 netscape windows and the mail reader, Sound Mixer Panel, Xgammon, KCdplayer, KAB, Mahjongg, Kworldwatch, AOL Instant Messanger, superimposed on a Netscape Mail Reader in the background.
  3. Something that might appeal to an NT System Administrator with, KTOP, KDiskFree, KMail (While Confirming a Domain Registration), Kcdplayer (with Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here playing, and a healthy 17Meg progress on the Koffice Dnload, showing Ktaskbar, and KPanel.
  4. An end-user specific screen with kppp ready to connect, Printer Queue showing a print job processing, a Knote, and diagramm showing a familiar graph
  5. A Corel WordPerfect 8.0 Personal Edition Shot showing my resume. Not a plug, just something that should be familiar to the average Win95 (potential convert)
  6. Star Office Document with an excerpt from a recent Y2k test I did on NT 4.0. This one would be a key marketing tool!!!
  7. A shot from my day job work station featuring Kmysql, and a Windows Groupwise session, inside a Windows95 session, of VMware. from a recent Y2k test I did on NT 4.0. This one would be a key marketingtool!!!
  8. This one's too bizarre too deal with.  While sitting at my Slackware 7.1 Athlon 600 (17" monitor), I've got an X session to my PIII Intel 700 IBM T-20 Thinkpad running Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2.4, with a VMWare session running Windows 2000 on the thinkpad, which has Frontpage 2000 editing a project I'm working, and Netscape 4.7 under Win2k, with an Exceed session to my K6-2 450 also running Slackware, and a telnet session to one of my Slackware boxes in Michigan, and one back to my workstation so I can listen to some Jane's Addiction.  Take note of the Network Neighborhood that's buried under Netscape and FrontPage2000.  You can't see them all, but there are 2 FreeBSD boxes, and 7 Linux boxes running samba.  It's pretty huge, but, should give you an idea of what you can do with a decent XWindows desktop.
  9. Toned down the busy-ness, but, a more radical presentation:

    If you understand all this.... I'm sorry.

17,099,525 hits since July 28, 2006.

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I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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