Ded Serius


Ded Serius: Y2KMatrix Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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Y2K Matrix

This is a suite of utilities for testing a Linux/UNIX server for date and time issues after the year 1999. It was developed for a client's HP-UX 10.20 and 11.0 32 and 64 bit servers. It contains a suite of utilities to test a UNIX machine's date functions, including whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system; date change utility for added functionality and sanity-checking; and the actual y2kmatrix application itself that creates a matrix of dates over the full range of the UNIX Epoch.

This software has been written and compiled under the GNU Public License and is freely available to anyone who wishes to use it in helping provide assurance for their UNIX/Linux Year 2000 concerns. It has been ported on both RedHat 5.2 and Slackware 3.6 distributions on both 2.0.36 and 2.2.10 kernels. The y2kmatrix utility has also successfully been compiled as both 32 and 64 bit HP on 11.0 and 32 bit HP on 10.20 with a little hand holding. Please see the INSTALL.hp-ux file for some notes I made while trying to port to HP-UX. Anyone wants to clean up the makefiles on this one, don't hesitate to send updates to me at Me to include HP-UX porting facility.



    • Outputs a text file with all of the dates in the 32-bit UNIX Epoch in the following format:

    • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS JUL AM/PM.[Weekday, Month DD, YYYY]

    • This can be compared to another file created by a database, such as MySQL to verify dates are being calculated correctly or performaing spot checks using another tested utility to verify dates are accurate, and, of course, there's always that good old calendar.

    • Includes a MySQL shell script for generating a MySQL dates to compare against the output of y2kmatrix


    • Check the word-size on the machine;

    • This is also a good entry-point example for newbie C programmer's (As if I'm not one);


    • This really awesome program counts to 49680 and outputs the result to a text file along with some other relevant date formatting data;

    • This is primarily useful for creating a textfile for later upload into a database such as MySQL, or Informix;

    • Seriusly, that's all this thing does: count to 49680;


    • Tests the architecture of the UNIX/Linux to see if it's reading 32 or 64 bit;


    • Safely change the date on your UNIX/Linux machine, or output a simple human-readable formatted date;

    • Requires root authority to actually change the date;

Not just a mere side note, but, a very relevant point, was the use of MySQL as the starting point to create a reliable matrix from whence to compare dates that resulted from the y2kmatrix. The tool used was this database, partly to test the voracity of it's claim on Year 2000 readiness, and partly to assure myself that the databases I'm so reliant on are compliant. >:)

Well, I did mention validation of my personal MySqL databases was important. After all, it handles my checking and savings accounts.

During development of the y2kmatrix, the original matrix created from MySQL served as the bench-mark from which to verify, and was later used to validate an Informix 7.3 dbase running on HP-UX 11.0 64-bit on a production 2000+ user server, along with a couple 4GL tools. I'm very comfortable with the MySQL date integrity implemented. But, remember; you can't sue me if something breaks. Just read the License. Hopefully, that's not why you're here.


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I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

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