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Ded Serius Music - Guest Book Ded Serius
Michel Verdier

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Welcome to the Ded Serius Music Guest Book.

This guest book has been around for a long time. Some time ago, some individuals started to use it to spam people since it has a mail function that they can joe job someone with. That's what the random character image at the bottom is all about.

Post your guest book entry, if you wish. If you're doing something stupid, I've got your ip address. It's here: , and it resolves to this ISP's host: BTW, this guestbook doesn't confirm via e-mail. It doesn't send any mail at all. >:)
Click here to sign the Guest Book
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Name/e-Mail Remarks/Link Date

  Sign the guestbook:  
  Name: Email:  
  Link Address:  
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2,958,788 hits since July 28, 2006.

Mail me, with your comments.
I updated this page on Wednesday December 31, 1969 5:00:00 PM Van

If you just came here for the MIDIs:

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